In order to realize their rights, people need to take the initiative to articulate them which in turn, depends on the availability and the relevance of legal schema to people confronting problems. At YS College a legal awareness seminar has been conducted by District Legal Services, Barnala where Advocate Paramjit Singh and Kulwant Singh (PLV) from District Court Barnala enlightened our students to
· recognize they have a legal right or responsibility, in order to exercise or assume it;
· recognize when a problem or conflict is a legal conflict and when a legal solution is available;
· know how to take the necessary action to avoid problems and where this is not possible, how to help themselves appropriately;
· know how and where to find information on the law, and be able to find information that is accessible to them,
· know when and how to obtain suitable legal assistance;
· have confidence that the legal system will provide a remedy, and
· understand the process clearly enough to perceive that justice has been done